Thrill on Plausawa Hill
They had come from all over, by plane, by bus, by car. I was
to see them here, on top of this hill in my small New Hampshire
town. They had come to watch the night sky - a rare alignment of
planets and the stars that surrounded them.
Plausawa Hill was just a mile from my house. Small, but treeless
top and nothing to obstruct our view but a communications tower.
tower had a red light on top so places could see it. From the
distance, the eerie sound of yipping coyotes floated up to us.
I could just make out my friends in the cool darkness. Dorothy
there, and Jay, Maureen from a distant land, Heide, and finally
Kristin. How I convinced these ladies to abandon their web sites
one night and come to this obscure place, I'll never know. Maybe
was my magnetic personality. Then I noticed someone new - a
woman with a bandaged face and hands. Yikes. Anyway, it was time
"Are we all here?" I asked.
"No," answered Maureen. "Julie's late. Should be
here anytime. She
doesn't like aeroplanes, so she's teleporting herself."
"Oh. Oh. Then while we're waiting I guess we can..."
Off in the tangled brush appeared an odd, yellowish glow. Then a
popping sound, and a thin figure emerged. Julie had arrived. A
of us plunged in to help her out.
"Blimey," she said. "I've forgotten my
glasses." Then another glow
around her eyes, and with a smaller pop, wire glasses appeared,
slightly crooked on her nose. "Oh, good. Never mind."
While Julie chatted to the others, I leaned over to Dorothy.
that?" I whispered, looking over at the bandaged blonde
"Oh," she said, "that's Monday Knight. She's a
character from a
I nodded but said nothing. This was turning into quite a night.
"All right then," I began and the chattering faded.
"First, we need
to get our bearings. Does everyone know how to find North?"
Silence. Then a few arms pointed in different directions.
"Well, what you do is find the Big Dipper - look straight
up and
you'll see it. This time of year it appears upside down."
The ladies soon found the Dipper and I explained how the end of
points to the North Star. "That's Polaris - the North Star.
that we know North, who can point West?"
Some arms pointed East, other South. Monday Knight, of all
pointed West. "Very good, er, Monday. Now before we look
for those
planets all lined up, I should explain the Zodiac. The Zodiac is
made of 12 constellations that form a line, more or less. This
where you find the planets. Jupiter is now in Gemini, and the
four, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn are in Taurus. Going east
west, we can see Virgo, Leo and Cancer, with Gemini close to the
horizon. Can anyone find Jupiter? Look for a bright, steady
"I see it, I see it!" said Kristin. "It's right
there." And it
was. The others followed suit. "I see it, too."
"Oh, it IS
bright!" "Yup, there it is."
"Now for an even brighter planet, look for Venus."
Venus was even
easier to find, since it was low in the sky and almost as bright
the Moon. The other planets were nearby, I told them. You just
to let your eyes adjust, and they would appear. Only one of us
"I can't see them," said Julie.
"Sure you can," I said.
"I'm cold."
"Look, Mercury is right there, just right of Venus. See it
"I need a fag."
Jay broke in. "Don, it's amazing to see all those planets
at once.
What else can you tell us about the spring sky?"
"Ah, Jay. Thanks for asking. Well, the brightest star, the
one you see when it gets dark, is called Arcturus, located in
Herdsman. He's supposed to be a shepherd, sitting and smoking a
pipe. Arcturus has an orange hue - can anyone see it?"
"Is that the one?" asked Heide. She pointed at a
likely candidate.
"Yes, well done! And there are many others I can tell you
"My neck hurts," said Julie.
"You know, mine does too. One of my star books recommends
lying down
so you can look straight up. That's why I brought this
along." I
walked over to a rolled-up wool blanket I'd set aside earlier. I
quickly unfurled it; several helping hands helped me smooth it
the level ground.
Julie wasn't impressed. "It's not big enough. We won't all
"Sure we will. Look, I'll lie in the middle and everyone
else can
pile on." The group soon caught on and in seconds I was
prodded and squashed by several female body parts; arms, legs,
and in
one case, a nice rear end. Altogether, the sensation was not
unpleasant. In the dark, two fragrant heads found their way to
shoulders. The thought occurred to me - I should do this more
We chattered about the other sights in the sky - the Milky Way,
unseen now, but out in full force by summer; The Seven Sisters,
comets, shooting stars. As I mentioned the last one, a brilliant
shot across the sky and burned out overhead, like a stray
We all saw it, and it was spectacular.
Sadly, it was getting late and time to go. It had gotten very
now and besides, people had long ways to travel. Julie wrapped
herself in the blanket and waited until all else had left.
about the transporting - she didn't want an audience.
After seeing my guests off, I went back to her. "Okay, you
can do
your thing now. I won't look."
"All right. Byee." Then I waited. No pop. More seconds
went by
and still no pop. I turned around. "What's wrong?"
"Grrrr - won't work. Bugger it."
I smiled. "That's okay. I'll give you a lift to the
We walked together down the rocky dirt path, tall pines above
and the
spring stars sparkling between them. Julie tripped over a root
and I
caught her, then held her hand tightly as we continued down the
"Nice night," I said.
"Yes," she said. "Bloody nice."
(Written by Don Kelly, a member of The Writer's Life e-group)